In the heart of Grant County, Indiana, a compassionate and dedicated group of individuals is making a significant impact on the lives of local cats through the TnR (Trap-Neuter-Return) program. The driving force behind this initiative is the DCS Feline Fixers, a non-profit organization committed to improving the well-being of community cats.

Understanding TnR:

Trap-Neuter-Return, or TnR, is a humane and effective approach to managing feral cat populations. The process involves trapping feral cats, spaying or neutering them to prevent further breeding, and then returning them to their original location. DCS Feline Fixers recognizes the importance of maintaining the balance between the feline population and the local ecosystem.

Distinguishing Feral Cats:

One unique aspect of the program is its differentiation between true feral cats and those that may be suitable for adoption. True feral cats, often unsocialized and wary of human interaction, are released back into their colonies after spaying or neutering. On the other hand, cats showing potential for socialization are prepared for adoption into loving homes.

Comprehensive Care:

Every cat that comes through the program receives thorough care. DCS Feline Fixers ensure that each cat is spayed or neutered, undergoes a vet check, and receives necessary vaccinations. This commitment to comprehensive care not only contributes to the overall well-being of the cats but also helps control the population of community cats responsibly.

Mission Statement:

At the core of DCS Feline Fixers’ mission is the belief that “We can’t save them all, but we can sure try. With your help, we can save even more.” This ethos underscores the organization’s dedication to making a positive impact on as many feline lives as possible, acknowledging the challenges while emphasizing the collective power of community support.

100% Volunteer-Run:

What sets the TnR program in Grant County apart is that it operates entirely on the dedication and generosity of volunteers. The team at DCS Feline Fixers donates their time, expertise, and resources without any financial compensation. This selfless commitment reflects a genuine passion for improving the lives of community cats and creating a more sustainable environment.

Funding the Mission:

While the TnR program is rooted in altruism, it relies on financial support from the general public to cover essential expenses such as food, litter, medications, and other supplies. The DCS Feline Fixers organization charges a modest adoption fee for cats finding new homes, but this fee only partially covers the extensive care invested in each of these felines. To bridge the financial gap, the organization encourages community support through donations.

How You Can Help:

Supporting the DCS Feline Fixers is easy and greatly appreciated. Donations can be made through various channels, including Cash App, Venmo, and PayPal. For those who prefer traditional methods, checks can be mailed or dropped off at Via Credit Union. Additionally, the organization has curated an Amazon Wish List, where individuals can directly contribute specific items needed for the cats in their care.

  • Cashapp – $CharJustice
  • Venmo – @DCSFF-Char
  • PayPal – @DCSFF-Char
  • Via Credit Union – 4505 S Adams St, Marion, IN 46953
  • Amazon – (DCS Feline Fixers direct link to the wishlist)
  • Checks or cash can be donated directly to Charlene Justice or Debbie Kelly
    Or checks can be mailed to: DCS Feline Fixers 4651 S 700 E Marion, IN 46953.
  • Volunteering to help with fostering and other volunteer related activities. Reach out directly to Charlene to learn more about this.

In addition to their impactful TnR program, DCS Feline Fixers actively assists community members in need of spaying and neutering services for their feline companions. Recognizing the crucial role these procedures play in managing the overall cat population, the organization provides valuable resources and support to pet owners. Notably, DCS Feline Fixers operates a TnR transport service for MGCHS (Marion-Grant County Humane Society), conducting transport sessions twice a month on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays. This established schedule ensures a smooth and efficient process for trapping, neutering, and returning community cats. By offering this transportation service, DCS Feline Fixers not only extends their reach but also strengthens collaborative efforts among various organizations dedicated to the welfare of Grant County’s feline residents. Through proactive community engagement and strategic partnerships, the organization continues to exemplify a comprehensive and compassionate approach to feline welfare.


The TnR program in Grant County, Indiana, spearheaded by the DCS Feline Fixers, exemplifies the power of community-driven initiatives. By focusing on humane solutions, comprehensive care, and the dedication of volunteers, this program stands as a testament to the positive change that can be achieved when a community comes together to better the lives of its feline residents. If you’re inspired by their mission, consider making a donation or contributing to their Amazon Wish List to support their tireless efforts.